What We Do

Safety Zone Ventures emerged as a pioneering safety consulting firm, initially operating as a sole proprietorship under the expert guidance of our founder, Mary Kay Bly. With a wealth of experience spanning several years in the safety consulting realm, Mary is deeply committed to delivering exceptional service to her clientele.

Our specialized safety consulting ensures your operations remain in sync with industry-specific best practices and pertinent regulations. Proudly, we hold registrations as a WBE with New York State and as a DBE with the New York State Department of Transportation.

Our Mission

Our core mission revolves around fortifying the safety standards of our clients' workplaces. Through meticulous observation, we pinpoint potential hazards, offer tailored education to workers and provide insightful consulting. Our goal is to empower every business to establish a work environment that not only prioritizes safety but also aligns seamlessly with local, state and federal regulations.


Safety Zone ventures has been instrumental in fortifying the safety standards of over 200 partner projects.


Our Certifications